How ISO Standards Can Guide Your Sustainability Journey
There is no single activity that can help your organization reach its sustainability goals over night, however key ISO certifications can help guide you to success.Read More
The Responsible Care Management System (RCMS®) and RC14001® programs, developed by the American Chemistry Council (ACC) as a way to demonstrate commitment to Responsible Care® Codes of Practice and continued involvement with business partners and communities, provide a value-added management system approach to operations in the chemical sector.
ABS Quality Evaluations, Inc. (ABS QE) has been helping to support companies in the chemical industry in their efforts to meet their meet Responsible Care commitments for more than 20 years, supporting continuous improvement in safe chemicals management and excellence in environmental, health, safety and security performance.
Our flexible approach to certification helps you meet your commitment to protect human health and the environment while safely manufacturing products that are essential to the global economy.
ABS QE was part of the pilot program and became the first registrar to receive RC14001® accreditation from the American National Accreditation Board (ANAB). Our goal is to help ensure trust in operations around the world and create a safer, more sustainable world through management systems certification.
Our method for implementing Responsible Care certifications enables organizations to identify key elements and opportunities for improvement in their operations, ultimately helping to ensure the safe and responsible management of chemicals to support long-term sustainability.
ABS QE is the leading certification body for the global chemistry industry. Our auditors help you achieve your Responsible Care goals, providing qualified assistance in meeting both RCMS options as well as RC14001 requirements.
RC14001 Management System Certification incorporates requirements for RC14001 and ISO14001 in a single management system. The scope of RC14001 certification includes health, safety, security, transport, outreach, product stewardship and emergency response. ABS QE takes this to the next level, emphasizing process and incorporating cybersecurity for a more robust program.
Occupational Health and Safety
Process Efficiency