In the past ten years, the financial impact of natural hazard events globally has been almost three trillion dollars! With the greater globalization of businesses, the potential to be part of this exposure will only increase. Corporate risk managers, investors and property owners are all being impacted by natural hazard events and market changes and are increasingly faced with the need to better quantify the risk posed to their assets and revenues.
In this webinar, the first of our Natural Hazards webinar series, we will begin by explaining how the support of risk and safety solutions can help your organization understand exposures and vulnerabilities to natural hazards. ABS Group has more than 45 years of experience in the identification, quantification and management of natural hazard risks that have the potential to significantly impact global operations.
What We Cover
- Key questions your organization should consider regarding natural hazard events
- Is your business exposed?
- What does that exposure look like?
- Available support and safety solutions to mitigate the risks of natural hazard events
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Dr. Nathan Gould, Chief of Technology, ELSR, ABS Group
Dr. Nathan Gould serves as Chief of Technology for the ABS Group Extreme Loads and Structural Risk (ELSR) division. He also serves as the General Manager of ABS Group's St. Louis office. He is a practicing structural engineer with over 25 years of experience in the analysis, design, construction and rehabilitation of major structures in all regions of the United States. Dr. Gould is active in the utilization of performance-based seismic and extreme wind design methodologies for the design of new buildings, and the retrofit of existing structures and nonstructural elements. He has performed Natural Hazard risk assessments for numerous industrial and commercial facilities throughout the world.
Dr. Gould is the author of numerous technical papers, including articles on Performance Based Design, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Non-Structural Elements, Multi-Hazard Design to Improve Facility Resilience, Probable Maximum Loss Assessments, Managing Extreme Wind Losses and Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection design. He has been a member of several post-earthquake reconnaissance groups, including teams that investigated damage following the 2010 Haitian and 2011 Christchurch events. Dr. Gould is a licensed Professional and Structural Engineer in several states and recently served on the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) Advisory Committee on Earthquake Hazards Reduction (ACEHR).
Todd W. Erickson, Director, Consulting, ABS Group
Todd W. Erickson has a BSCE from the University of Utah (1990) with an emphasis on structures and foundations and is a registered California structural and civil engineer. He has over 31 years of structural and civil engineering experience related to seismic assessment, evaluation, design and strengthening of new and existing facilities and structures in the US and around the world. His experience includes new and historic buildings, bridges, open-frame towers, base isolation systems, equipment supports, central utility plants, pipe racks and storage racks and their foundations, as well as water treatment, transmission and storage structures and large tie-back earth-retaining structures. Acting as the Structural Engineer of Record (SEOR), the Architect-Engineer (AE) team manager or peer reviewer in his different roles, his experience includes numerous structures of important historic, technical and societal importance, resulting in his coauthoring several papers. A responding member of the LADWP post-earthquake response team during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, he has also provided on-site post-earthquake response services during the 1999 Piraeus Earthquake, the 1999 Izmit Earthquake, the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake, the 2016 Ecuador Earthquake and others.