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News Advisory

Asset Performance Optimization Newsletter - September 2017 Edition

September 1, 2017

Featured Article

Healing After Hurricanes: EAM in a World of Superstorms

At a time when extreme weather threatens American infrastructure, enterprise asset management can provide a glimmer of hope for a better tomorrow.

Hurricane season 2017 has brought devastation and despair to American shores, the likes of which we’ve never seen before but won’t soon forget.

As Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands recover from these tragedies, we can’t help but think about all the ways in which enterprise asset management will offer crucial support as the U.S. rebuilds its industrial infrastructure and provides relief to those in dire need.

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Featured Article

Particle Physics, EAM and What They Mean to Your Industrial Business

What can any industrial-sector business learn from the 25-year partnership between CERN and Infor EAM asset management software?

Even though CERN, the largest particle research laboratory in the world, utilizes the most complex technology known to man, its approach to enterprise asset management is as simple as it is enlightening.

Reliability matters most, no matter what you do

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Webinar Announcement

Reliability Based Maintenance - Presented with Infor EAM

Effective EAM consists of optimizing the management of an organization’s physical assets to maximize their value throughout their entire life cycle.

Join GenesisSolutions and Infor to learn more about the six steps to the RBM process and how Infor EAM supports this process 100% by providing data and triggering PM & PdM activities:

  • Developing a Master Asset List (MAL)
  • Asset Criticality Ranking (ACR)
  • Proactive Maintenance Optimization (PMO)
  • Spare Parts Analysis (SPA)
  • Reliability Analytics Monitoring (RAM)
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

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Four Essentials for Determining True Asset Criticality

Don’t score asset criticality just yet. Make sure these four things are in order first.

Measuring criticality has given asset-intensive businesses greater control over what to repair and when. But this pillar of predictive maintenance requires careful attention to a few fundamental laws that determine its efficacy. Failure to meet them will topple any PdM-powered enterprise asset management program, collapsing under the weight of malfunctioning equipment and the pieces of shattered productivity goals.

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