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Asset Performance Optimization Newsletter - October 2017 Edition

October 1, 2017

Featured Article

Think Ahead: Where Cognitive Predictive Maintenance is Leading EAM

One day in the not-too-distant future, data analytics platforms will give plant supervisors and maintenance technicians unprecedented powers of prescience over their industrial mission-critical assets.

Predictive maintenance, you mean? Yeah, we already employ PdM and have done so for some time. Tell us something we don't know.

Ah, but has your predictive maintenance program gone cognitive yet? If not, it soon might, as cognitive predictive maintenance is the next logical step in the evolution of enterprise asset management. Facilities across the world have already made room in their asset management protocols for this new norm.

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Webinar Announcement

PM Optimization - Preventive Maintenance with Infor EAM

Following Asset Criticality Ranking, a Preventive Maintenance Optimization (PMO) effort is the next step in achieving world-class reliability standards for a successful Enterprise Asset Management program.  

The purpose of PMO is to refine maintenance tasks and frequencies supporting a particular physical asset or assets.  In simple terms PMO is performing the right work, at the right frequency, the right way.  

Although there are a number of benefits to performing PMO increasing your Mean Time between Failure is one that will have a tremendous impact on the entire operation.  This webinar will provide an overview of the process, expected outcome, and inherent benefits of a successfully executed PM Optimization effort.

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Are These 3 Major Elements of EAM Aligned at Your Facility?

Troubles with cost, risk and quality lie at the heart of every EAM or RBM initiative.

When businesses institute enterprise asset management best practices or an innovative proactive, reliability-based maintenance program, they have their reasons. Peel back the layers of any answer and we typically find these three rationales at its root:

  • Minimizing costs to preserve assets throughout their life cycles.
  • Reducing downtime risks across the facility.
  • Improving customer relations by way of a better product or service.

Although troubles with cost, risk and quality lie at the heart of every Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) or Reliability Based Maintenance (RBM) initiative, many organizations struggle to keep these three things in balance. Here's why each is important in its own right and how favoring one over others can actually deter success.

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