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Asset Performance Optimization Newsletter - Jan/Feb 2018

January 30, 2018


Optimizing Asset Management with Data Analytics

What must industrial sector businesses do to cut the clutter and utilize data analytics in 2018? We visualize three valuable insights into how data analytics can improve operational efficiencies in our infographic.

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Total Productive Maintenance: Improving Equipment Effectiveness

Ongoing machine maintenance can play a crucial role in a healthy balance sheet, but a state of total productive maintenance (TPM) is one that can be hard to effectively achieve for numerous companies. More often than not, the preferred option is to adopt a break-and-fix attitude, ignoring the fact that processes and systems exist to prevent breakdowns and delays in manufacturing.

TPM has been part of the manufacturing lexicon for decades, and it is widely accepted that taking care of machines, equipment and processes adds business value to an organization. The concept—developed and refined in Japan in the 1970s—is linked to the need for companies to align their production goals with investment in machine maintenance and operational efficiency.

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How Asset Maintenance Can Benefit from a Magic Leap

Six years. Almost $2 billion raised from tech investors, including Google and Alibaba. Dozens of teaser videos on YouTube, coupled with exclusive demos to selected members of the media. A startup so secretive that it hasn't shown a single piece of working technology to the general public. Until now.

On December 20, Florida-based Magic Leap finally unwrapped the first version of its augmented reality platform to the world. Numerous media sources all leaped at the chance to report on what has become a bit of a mystery to the average person, with the company pulling back the curtain to reveal wrap-around goggles, a computing pack that you wear on a belt and a wireless controller.

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