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Preparing for the Cloud: EAM System Considerations and Opportunities

March 28, 2019 | 10:00 am CDT

Preparing for the Cloud: EAM System Considerations and Opportunities

What do you need to know when considering taking your EAM system to the cloud? What are the infrastructure differences and options? This webinar will cover definitions of approaches (on-prim, co-location, leased server space) and what are some of the typical software options. Is it better to bring your own licenses (BYOL) versus leasing (SaaS)? What are other considerations around connectivity and security? We will introduce currently available solutions and the intended resultant benefits, as well as common hosting infrastructure providers and some of the benefits of hosting.

What are the perceived benefits of having your EAM system hosted?

  • Scalability
  • Built-in redundancy and failover
  • Reduced infrastructure cost
  • Reduced support overhead

 What We Cover:

  • Typical components of a cloud hosted environment
  • How to make the process transparent to end users
  • How system modifications are made easier
  • How to increase failure protection



Walter Betsill, GenesisSolutions

Walter Betsill has 30 years' experience working with maintenance and engineering organizations. Betsill began his career in the chemical industry prior to becoming a cross-industry field consultant. In the 1990s, he worked for the two top CMMS software companies, PSDI (IBM Maximo) and Datastream Systems (Infor EAM), first as a field consultant and subsequently as a project manager. In 2000, he became a founding member of GenesisSolutions. Betsill helps his clients evolve to a better state of maintenance operations and reliability. His current focus is to assist clients in identifying the data that indicate success and then utilize good processes and technology to obtain the data easily and with a high degree of quality.

About ABS Group

ABS Group of Companies, Inc. (, through its operating subsidiaries, provides data-driven risk and reliability solutions to clients worldwide that support operational and business performance and compliance with international standards. Our range of technical services helps clients confirm the safety, integrity, quality and environmental efficiency of critical assets and operations. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, ABS Group operates with more than 1,300 professionals in over 30 countries serving the industrial manufacturing, oil, gas and chemical, marine, offshore and government sectors. ABS Group is a subsidiary of ABS, a leading marine and offshore classification society.

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