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Maximo Asset Management Best Practices: KPI Planning

September 12, 2012 | 10:00 - 11:00 am CST

Maximo KPIs focus on maintenance benchmarks, including Plan vs. Actual Variance, Mean Time between Failure (MTBF) and Overdue Preventative Maintenance Work Orders. This webinar will focus on the strategic planning of KPI deployment in Maximo, as minimal advance planning and implementation can provide pronounced benefits and positive results.

What You Will Learn:

  • What a KPI is
  • Business benefits of establishing strong KPIs
  • Industry specific best practices
  • The process of establishing a strong KPI strategy
  • How to model an accident scenario using the BowTie method
  • How to analyze a BowTie
  • Typical uses of a BowTie for management of major accident hazards

This webinar runs approximately one hour and is designed to give a focused overview of the topic, while also offering solutions and in-depth information that you can take-away and implement immediately into your operations planning. 


Stephen Santoro, Joseph Pitman & Bill Thompson


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