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ISO 55000 New Standard for Asset Management

October 25, 2014 | 10:00 - 11:00 am CST

This webinar was created to explain the new standard for Asset Management and what you need to understand about the main models of asset management systems, the application of the main concepts in asset management, and the differences between PAS 55 and ISO 55000. Considering the international experience of the presenter, it will be a good opportunity for all participants to exchange experiences and visions about ISO 55000.


Mr. João Ricardo Barusso Lafreia

Mr. João Ricardo Barusso Lafreia is the author of "The Handbook of Reliability, Availability and Maintainability", "Leadership for SH&E (Safety, Health & Environment)", and co-author of "Strategic Management and Reliability", "Creating Excellent Habits", and "Value-based Leadership." He has also authored several articles and presentations on Management Excellence in Asset Management, Reliability, and Environmental, Health & Safety. His latest book is called “Living Asset Management” written in English with John Hardwick.

Mr. Lafraia has worked for almost 30 years at Petrobras, working as an Inspection Engineer, Reliability Coordinator, Engineering Manager, Production Manager at Repar Refinery, and General Manager at four other refineries in Brazil. He is currently the General Manager of Refining Operational Efficiency at Petrobras Headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. He is the President of ABRAMAN (Brazilian Association of Asset Management and Maintenance) and holds an executive position with the Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management. He is credentialed in the following programs: CMRP (Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional) by SMRP, and CFAM (Certified Fellow in Asset Management).

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