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EAM Technology Pitfalls: How to Avoid the Common Missteps

December 5, 2018 | 10:00 am CST

EAM Technology Pitfalls: How to Avoid the Common Missteps

The EAM technology solutions available to the global industrial marketplace is at the point of supersaturation. Industry 4.0, IoT, Asset Performance Management, Cloud and Cognitive Computing are all promising solutions for helping your organization reduce risk, increase safety and improve reliability. In the right circumstances, these promises may be realized. However, these solutions are simply software and technology tools.

Prior to implementing or considering a new technology solution, organizations should ask the following:

  1. Have we completed an asset criticality ranking?
  2. Do we have an accurate asset hierarchy?
  3. If we do not have a current Master Asset List, have we determined what we define as an asset?

There's nothing more troubling than trying to determine 1-3 above during or after a software or technology purchase. Your organization may never realize the promised ROI.

What We Will Cover

This webinar will discuss how leading organizations can achieve improved asset reliability using technology solutions by avoiding common pitfalls.


Tim Guzman, GenesisSolutions

Tim Guzman is a Senior Account Executive with GenesisSolutions, An ABS Group Company. Tim’s role at Genesis is to assist asset-intensive organizations with their Enterprise Asset Management challenges, goals, and objectives through strategic planning. Focus areas in his career include Asset Reliability, Asset Lifecycle Management, IoT Operational Analytics technology solutions and services across the Power Generation, Utilities, and Manufacturing Industries. Tim studied Business and Communications at Southwest Texas and the College of Santa Fe.

About GenesisSolutions

For over a decade, Genesis Technology Solutions, Inc. (GenesisSolutions), the Asset Performance Optimization subsidiary of ABS Group, has been a market leader in asset reliability, asset maintenance and asset management. Our extensive team of enterprise asset management (EAM) and reliability professionals have created solutions for industrial customers throughout the world. Today, we are one of the largest, most capable global EAM service providers with a portfolio of hundreds of success stories across the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific regions.

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