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Updating IBM Maximo Asset Management Software for Las Vegas Monorail Company

Explore how we helped the only privately owned mass transit system in the U.S. lower maintenance costs and increase the reliability and efficiency of its assets.

Project Objectives

IBM Maximo and Las Vegas Monorail

Project Overview

Since its grand opening in 2004, the Las Vegas Monorail has carried thrill seekers, families, locals and out-of-towners along the Sunset Strip and beyond. Every day, the Las Vegas Monorail Company (LVMC) logs more than 450,000 records on the status of its fleet and ancillary assets. But for all that equipment to remain valuable to the people of Las Vegas and tourism throughout southern Nevada, the computerized maintenance management (CMMS) software underpinning it all has to perform well, satisfy a new generation of mass transit and continue to uphold the legacy of safe, reliable transportation LVMC is known for.

To promote long-term success and commitment to increasing the reliability and efficiency of the Las Vegas Monorail, LVMC needed to update the transit system's enterprise asset management software from IBM Maximo version 4.0.3 to version 7.6. GenesisSolutions was selected to carry out the CMMS upgrade and build a sustainable EAM foundation for a more reliable asset management program. The implementation team comprising experts from both organizations finished on time, under budget and received a 100 percent satisfaction rating from all users and senior-level stakeholders involved in the system upgrade and implementation.

Client Needs
  • Upgrade CMMS to latest software version
  • Lower maintenance costs for the only privately owned mass transit system in U.S.
  • Increase reliability for a transit system that helps reduce statewide personal transportation usage and emissions 
  • Improve condition-based maintenance practices using the IBM Maximo EAM software solution



Complete the form to request the full project profile and explore our solution for increasing the reliability and efficiency of transit systems. 
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