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Uptime Magazine: Reducing Energy Usage Costs in Manufacturing Facilities

Pharmaceutical Facilities Management

A well-designed combined heat and power (CHP) system installation can deliver several benefits in an effort to control energy usage in facilities such as hospitals, manufacturing plants and institutional campuses.

After consulting with specialists from GenesisSolutions and Buch Construction, MedImmune, the biologics and biotechnology research and development arm of pharmaceutical manufacturer AstraZeneca, decided to install a new CHP system to help reduce facility operational costs and the carbon footprint as well as increase power reliability and resiliency against outages.

"The American pharmaceutical industry spends, in total, approximately $1 billion on energy every year, according to the latest Department of Energy research. These costs represent an opportunity for organizations within the industry to optimize energy expenditures through intelligent technological investment and divert operational cost savings to the funding of scientific exploration."

Published in the June/July 2018 issue of Uptime Magazine, this article provides an overview of MedImmune's facility energy management project involving the successful design, engineering and installation of a new CHP system. The authors also discuss the Capital Process Management Process, which defines the lifecycle management requirements for new or modified facilities compliant with current Good Manufacturing Practices.

Complete the form below to read the full article, "How MedImmune Kicked Their Cogeneration Project into Overdrive."
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