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Can EAM Technology Aid Medical Device Manufacturing in 2018?

Can EAM Technology Aid Medical Device Manufacturing in 2018

Connected clinical tools are transforming the health care industry, giving physicians, nurses and technicians the power to strengthen care delivery processes and provide patients with services that were once unreachable because of financial or geographic barriers.

Two-thirds of healthcare organizations worldwide have integrated technology associated with the internet of things into their clinical workflows. In the U.S., these devices feed real-time data directly into electronic health record systems and back-end solutions that an estimated 96 percent of American clinics and hospitals now possess.

This technological revolution has catalyzed growth in the global medical device manufacturing space, which constitutes nearly $400 billion in products and services. The sector is poised to expand as clinical technology becomes more entrenched in everyday care delivery. However, challenges lie ahead for the manufacturing firms tasked with meeting increasing customer demands due to numerous marketplace forces. This state of affairs has operational leaders searching for production solutions that might mitigate the impact of external pressures –financial, regulatory and otherwise.

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