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Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Asset Performance Optimization for the Life Sciences

Organizations working in the Life Sciences industrial sector can benefit from an asset management master plan to remain competitive over the long term. GenesisSolutions helps companies in the Biotech, Medical Device and Pharmaceutical industries determine both their current and future state through the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) assessment process. We work collaboratively with our customers in these dynamic market sectors to develop implementation plans that will optimize performance and promote safer, more reliable and more efficient operations.

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Proven EAM Experience for Biotech & Pharmaceutical

We employ highly skilled and talented asset reliability and CMMS practitioners who apply industry best practice capabilities and real life implementation experience. The Asset Performance Optimization team uses Six Sigma methodologies and applies continuous improvement and lean manufacturing methods to help our Life Sciences customers manage and optimize the performance of their operations.

Our full suite of EAM services for Life Sciences includes consent decree remediation, computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) upgrades and installation, critical asset safeguard evaluations, product and process robustness vulnerability analysis, facility network performance assessments and business case development for gap remediation.

Pre-Configured Maximo EAM Solution 

For Life Sciences companies, the requirements to implement an EAM system can be costly and resource intensive. To address these challenges and maximize our customers' return on investment, GenesisSolutions can deliver a pre-configured Maximo EAM solution with a validation package for clients in the Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Medical Device industries. A pre-configured EAM solution, our system validation expertise and built-in best practices will drive ROI for customers who will benefit from Maximo system implementation.

Learn more about our Pre-Configured Maximo EAM Solution for Life Sciences

Manufacturing Reliability & Maintenance Services 


We assist biotechnology companies with developing a strategy for their manufacturing reliability and maintenance systems so they can remain focused on innovation. GeneisSolutions has over 20 years of experience helping biotechnology companies successfully execute their manufacturing strategy. We help these organizations comply with all aspects of GMP manufacturing processes, including for highly complex biologics, by incorporating asset management strategies that support operational excellence. Our risk management process keeps the focus around critical equipment, critical process parameters and quality attributes to ensure our strategic execution results in maintaining product and process robustness.

Medical Devices

Our professionals enable our customers to apply asset management best practices for all aspects of medical device manufacturing, assembly processes for highly complex precision equipment and packaging operations. Our strategic risk management process for maintaining product quality and robustness involves focusing on critical equipment, process parameters and quality attributes unique to the medical sector. We offer gap assessment and business case development models, CMMS support and a full suite of asset management service offerings to customers in the medical device services sector.


Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences companies must successfully navigate through a variety of complex regulations in order to remain competitive in an increasingly global marketplace. Our decades of experience delivering reliability based maintenance application and software solutions that are compliant with these regulations is a key factor in successfully partnering with many of the top pharmaceutical companies in the US. In addition, GenesisSolutions has deep expertise in pharmaceutical related enterprise asset management (EAM) system implementations. We help customers in this critical sector comply with all aspects of GMP bulk manufacturing, injectables and oral solid dose forms by customizing solutions that include gap assessment and business case development models, CMMS upgrades and support across multiple manufacturing sites, and a full suite of EAM service offerings tailored for the Life Sciences.

CMMS Upgrades and Data Analysis Support

We understand the importance of accurate data for driving decision making in Life Sciences facilities and for network strategy optimization. Our team excels in analyzing our customers' existing Maximo, SAP or Infor EAM systems to determine the appropriate system configuration to support asset performance trending, budget reviews and lifecycle cost analyses. As reliability practitioners, we understand the importance of asset hierarchy and asset criticality ranking to support maintenance workflows, planning and scheduling, MRO and report writing. Our CMMS engagements result in our customers' ability to apply world-class enterprise asset management.

A Risk Based Approach for Ranking Critical Assets 

Our service model is built on a risk based approach to optimizing asset performance management strategies. To quantify the risk profile across a broad range of assets and facilities in the Life Sciences sector, we have developed a robust asset criticality ranking tool, which was awarded the 2015 Solution Award for Reliability Engineering. The tool is used to rank assets based on their criticality to the business or operation.

Product deliverables include:

  • Evaluation of how asset failures impact organizational performance
  • Provision of detailed profiles of characteristics that makes each asset critical
  • Allowance for systematic ranking of assets for prioritization efforts

Our initial efforts are focused on the first quartile of critical assets where we work to ensure that we maintain the most critical assets with the leanest and unobtrusive maintenance strategies to minimize residual risk while maximizing asset performance.


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