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Enterprise Asset Management: Creating a Common Language

June 27, 2018 | 10:00 am CDT

Enterprise Asset Management: Creating a Common Language

The first step in an organization's reliability journey is creating a common language. Agreeing on how processes and systems are defined helps establish goals that all parties can understand and agree on. Having a common language also helps in the creation of a strategic asset management plan as the building blocks will have been identified and pre-defined by both the service provider (maintenance) and the customer (production).

This webinar will address the challenges and opportunities within common industrial settings and how a strong foundational understanding of the building blocks can create a roadmap towards becoming a more reliable organization.

What We Will Cover

The presenters will address the following questions:

  • What is strategic enterprise asset management?

  • How do you define reactive vs. reliable maintenance practices?

  • What is a master asset list?

  • How do you define asset criticality?

  • Which tools help my ability to become more reliable?

  • How do you create a common language in your organization?


Mark Wolfgram, GenesisSolutions

Mark Wolfgram is a PM and Senior Reliability Manager for GenesisSolutions, an ABS Group company, specializing in asset reliability and leveraging enterprise asset management (EAM) systems to make data-driven decisions. He has extensive knowledge of EAM processes and practices and has held positions in engineering, maintenance, operations, logistics and quality throughout a career spanning over 30 years. Wolfgram earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University and completed post-graduate studies in advanced vibrations and acoustics, statistical methods and business management. He is a member of the Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP) and is a Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional (CMRP).

Aleks Vujicic, VIZIYA

Aleks Vujicic is the VP of Product Management at VIZIYA. In this role, Vujicic delivers software solutions to enhance each step of a work management process to enable organizations to achieve production targets, control costs and manage safety and compliance. He holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Mohawk College.

About GenesisSolutions

For over a decade, Genesis Technology Solutions, Inc. (GenesisSolutions), the Asset Performance Optimization subsidiary of ABS Group, has been a market leader in asset reliability, asset maintenance and asset management. Our extensive team of enterprise asset management (EAM) and reliability professionals have created solutions for industrial customers throughout the world. Today, we are one of the largest, most capable global EAM service providers with a portfolio of hundreds of success stories across the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific regions.


VIZIYA offers software solutions providing the tools to run an efficient and more effective maintenance organization. VIZIYA’s products are implemented seamlessly to existing ERP and CMMS systems. Web-based and quickly implemented, VIZIYA's WorkAlign® Product Suite has become the industry standard for maintenance organizations.

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